July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Magalong appealed to barangay officials to keep going the extra mile in the efforts to curb the Covid-19 in their respective jurisdictions.

“You’re doing a great job and we really appreciate everything that you have been doing but we need you to exert extra effort to help us implement the minimum health standards among your constituents,” the mayor said.

Magalong said there is an urgent need for barangays officials to keep on reminding residents to comply with the health and safety standards, particularly the wearing of face masks and shields and basic personal and food hygiene.

He cited the recent case outbreak in some barangays, which was found out to be due to “irresponsible behavior” of some residents.

He said inspections in some barangays also proved as wanton violation of the health measures, especially in market places and stores.

The mayor said if these acts will remain unchecked, all efforts to control the disease will be thwarted.

“I know we are exhausted at this point but we still have a long way to go.  We cannot just give up the fight,” he said.

“We need to work together so please we appeal to you to help us by just reminding our people of the need for discipline at this time that we are reopening our economy.” – Aileen P. Refuerzo