July 27, 2024

The City Health Services Office is prepared to conduct mobile vaccination operations in workplaces, communities, places of convergence, and even in events.

This is in line with the directive of Mayor Benjamin Magalong to ramp up booster rollout in the city in compliance with the call of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. for leveling up of booster accomplishment nationwide.

Companies, barangays, organizers, and residents wishing to avail of vaccination services may contact the nearest district health centers for scheduling and coordination.

City Health Services Officer Rowena Galpo said this is among the CHSO’s strategies to beef up booster dispensation in the city.

The city has overshot the national target for primary dosage but has yet to improve on the accomplishment of targets on first and second boosters.

The Department of Health has recently expanded the coverage of booster dosage to those aged 50 years old and up and to 18 to 49 with comorbidities.

Last July 29, the office set up a mobile vaccination center for city government employees and willing clients. – Aileen P. Refuerzo