July 27, 2024

Philippine Postal Corporation (PHLPost) Postmaster General Luis D. Carlos and Northwest Luzon Area Director Merma Abalos and other postal officials met with Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong and presented the proposed rehabilitation plan of the historic Baguio City Central Post Office building located along Session Road.

Magalong welcomed the idea, as the city government will provide technical assistance in the development of the area, which will benefit the residents and visitors of the city.

The local government will also help in facilitating the titling of the lot which will provide stability to PHLPost in moving forward on their plans and programs.

Baguio City Central Post Office is a premier tourist destination located within the Post Office Park which was recently rehabilitated.

The post office serves as a distinct symbol of the city’s rich culture and history. It is strategically situated at the top of Session Road and frequented by tourists.

The rehabilitation of Baguio City Central Post Office buildings 1 and 2 is one of the thrusts of the current PHLPost administration to improve its facilities and protect its assets in parallel with the developmental plans of the local government of Baguio City.

The area occupied by buildings 1 and 2 is part of the lot consisting of about 8,000 square meters more or less which was donated by the city government of Baguio City to the defunct Bureau of Post.

“The rehabilitation plan will be implemented as soon as the funds are available for buildings 1 and 2. The buildings, at present, are dilapidated, thus requiring immediate repair. Also, since it is erected along Session Road, they are visible to the eyes of the local folks tourists/travelers,” Abalos said.

“The rehabilitation plan will definitely benefit PHLPost as it will provide mailing convenience to the clientele due to the provision of a spacious parking lot. Likewise, the building plan provides business space for their offices and stores,” she added. – Press release