July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Magalong has approved Ordinance 122, s. 2019, amending Ordinance 25, s. 1990, that made it mandatory for residents to always follow the policy of “first come, first served” in all instances.
Authored by Councilor Joel Alangsab, the amended ordinance required that the policy of “first come, first served” be always followed in securing/buying of stamps at the post office or tickets in bus stations, movie houses, concerts, conventions and athletic competitions; paying tuition/dues in schools, taxes, and other dues with any government office or bills in hospitals and institutions; securing permits for any examinations or clearances from government offices and the like; and when entering public utility vehicles.
The measure prohibits overtly or covertly entering a line at any position other than the end which may include joining others in the line or using any instrument or scheme to save a slot or space in a line and breaking up a line or employing devices and schemes to disrupt the order and cause confusion as to the order of persons in physical or virtual line.
It also prohibits the use of any physical force, threats, intimidation, or influence by virtue of power, social status, prominence, or reputation; employing devices, schemes, and deceit to cut in, break, or disrupt the order of a line; knowingly giving consent to the foregoing act by allowing another person to insert, cut in, break, or disrupt the order of a line.
Senior citizens defined under Republic Act 9994, persons with disability defined under Republic Act 7432, pregnant women, women with babies; and persons who by reason of health, national security, or public interest need immediate goods and/or services, are exempt from the provisions of the ordinance.
The amended ordinance mandates that the policy on “first come, first served” be conspicuously posted at bus stations and jeepney terminals, concert and athletic competition venues, schools, movie houses, post office, and other government offices.
Violators are meted a fine of P1,000 on first offense; P2,000 on second offense; and P5,000 on third and subsequent offenses. – Gaby Keith