July 27, 2024

The city council is set to approve an ordinance entitled: “Regulation and Collection of Regulatory Fees for the Use of Certain Roads/Streets Within the Central Business District in the City of Baguio,” based on the recommendation Councilor Benny Bomogao, chair of the committee on transportation and traffic legislation.
The regulation intends to address traffic problems caused by disorganized parking, rampant obstruction, double parking, and other causes. Its implementation is not solely for traffic solution, but is also seen to increase the finances of the city through the collection of regulatory fees and provide job opportunities for parking attendants/collectors.
The ordinance covers Lower Session Road (whole stretch and both lanes), Upper Session Road (Leonard Wood Road Junction to Casa Vallejo), Upper Session Road (T.M. Kalaw Street Junction to PFVR gym entry), T.M. Kalaw Street (whole stretch fronting Court of Appeals, Assumption Road (corner Session Road to corner General Luna Road – left lane), Harrison Road (whole stretch to Jose Abad Santos Drive), Calderon Street (whole stretch of Skyworld), Claudio Street (from Generika to Phoenix Café), and Kayang Hilltop Road (whole stretch – right lane from Magsaysay Avenue,from Kiltepan Merchandise to Dian Juat Furniture).
Other roads/streets that may later on be designated by the Traffic and Transportation Management Committee (TTMC) should be approved by the city council.
The ordinance prohibits parking along the road in front of the Baguio Museum and the Department of Tourism, which shall be used as sidewalk going to the overpass near Baguio City National High School.
The portion of the road in front of the Japanese Garden shall be used as temporary staging area of public utility jeepney vehicles and where buses are relocated during emergencies and special events.
All types of vehicles not exceeding five meters are allowed to park in the designated roads/streets.
Vehicles that are exempted from paying fees include an ambulance, fire engine or any vehicle in the official service of the military; vehicles being used for public works or works undertaken for public utilities such as electricity, water, or other public undertaking; vehicle which has been directed to a parking space by law enforcers empowered to stop or inspect vehicles; vehicle of a diplomat or other foreign dignitary; and government vehicle being used in connection with an official function conducted on the subject area or within the immediate vicinity.
Vehicles will be charged P35 for the first two hours and P15 for every succeeding hour or fraction thereof while motorcycles will be charged P20 for the first two hours and P5 for every succeeding hour or fraction thereof.
Fees from the use of the designated roads/streets shall be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Before and after the period, parking on these roads/streets shall be for free.
The fees would be used to pay the wages of personnel that monitor and supervise parking and enforce traffic rules and regulations and to defray the costs of maintaining the subject roads/streets.
The ordinance prohibits, among others, the use of the roads/streets as staging area for public utility vehicles, repair bay except to change flat tires, carwash, vending, double-parking, and other prohibited uses that may be determined by the TTMC.
Violators shall be fined under Ordinance 75, s. 2019 or the Comprehensive Transportation and Traffic Regulations for the City of Baguio.
Meanwhile, the city council has requested through Resolution 312, s. 2020, the Land Transportation Office-Cordillera and the Baguio City Police Office-Traffic Management Unit (BCPO-TMB) to suspend the apprehension of jeepney and taxi operators whose application for special permits to operate during the community quarantinein Baguio are still on process with the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board-Cordillera, except for other related traffic violations.
The appeal was earlier requested by representatives of jeepney and taxi operators who were issued special permits by the BCPO-TMB but were warned and required by the LTFRB and traffic personnel to secure special permits required under LTFRB Memorandum Circular 2020-017, which took effect last May 1.
In Resolution 313, s. 2020, the city’s Land Traffic and Transportation Management Committee was requested to reevaluate the routes and number of public utility vehicles plying within Baguio and to come up with a rationalization plan that will benefit public transportation providers and commuters.
In Resolution 314, s. 2020, the LTFRB was requested to suspend its recently issued policy that requires that payment of fares in taxis should be done through an online facility or electronic payment only (cashless/contactless payment).
It states that electronic booking and cashless transaction is not commuter-friendly and failed to consider that not all commuters have smartphones and knowledgeable in using ride-hailing applications.

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