July 27, 2024

This is to respectfully thank the office of Public Works and Highways Sec. Manuel Bonoan for the action taken in my letter regarding the “no warning” signs before and after the dangerous road cuts along the Sabangan-Bontoc Road in Mountain Province.
The DPWH has installed “solar-powered orange warning signs, not only along the Sabangan-Bontoc Road but also from Mount Data to Bontoc and Dantay-Sagada Road.
But the irony is that it took a “high school” graduate to make them understand the meaning of their own words; which is “ensuring safe and reliable national road system.”
Since my stay in Sabangan when my mother died in October last year, I noticed, and witnessed near accidents and accidents at the Nakagang junction fronting our house due to speeding vehicles, especially motorcycles.
The last was in January when a girl was hit by a speeding motorcycle. The victim was rushed to a hospital in nearby Bauko.
Maybe the DPWH hates me for being a “consistent” critic of the office and its officials but I come with bended knees to respectfully request your good office to order the placement of these speed bumps from Baguio side, Ilocos Sur side, and Bontoc side of the Halsema Highway at four lines each.
Lastly, I thank the DPWH-Cordillera in particular for acceding to my verbal request through channels that a big cross drainage on the Baguio side be constructed to prevent the repeat of the massive flooding of the Nakagang junction, and the installation of at least 20 solar lamp posts from junction to Baguio, Bontoc, and Ilocos Sur routes.
The big cross drainage was done, and 100 percent Nakagang junction is safe.
On the request for the installation of solar lamp post, the Bontoc and Ilocos Sur routes be prioritized, as only the Baguio route has installed solar lamp post. — JUNIPER C. DOMINGUEZ, Sabangan, Mountain Province