The city council has approved through Resolution 266, s. 2021 the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of Ordinance 19, s. 2020 or the “Responsible Dog Ownership Ordinanceof Baguio City.”
Under the rules, dog owners are mandated to submit the dogs for mandatory registration and regular vaccination against rabies and other viral diseases; take all measures to prevent their dogs from being stray or nuisance; assist dog-bite victims; and shoulder all expenses incurred relative to the victims’ injuries.
All dogs, regardless of breed, from three months of age and above, shall be registered in the barangay. The owner shall pay the P50 registration fee with issued certificate of registration. Re-issuance fee of lost/damaged certificates is P100, and the payment for microchip if implanted at the City Veterinary and Agriculture Office (CVAO) is P400.
Owners can choose the method of registration either through microchipping, use of a dog tag, or other safe method as determined by the CVAO.
The registration fee collected in the barangay shall go to the barangay concerned.
All dogs 12 weeks or three months of age, including adult dogs with unknown vaccination history, shall be administered with rabies vaccine. Booster shot shall follow one year later and thereafter. Re-vaccination is required depending on the kind of vaccines used.
Annual mass rabies vaccination shall be conducted in the barangays by the CVAO with the assistance of the barangay officials, who shall disseminate the schedule of vaccination to their constituents. A vaccination certificate issued to the dog owner shall bear the brand of vaccine used, the lot number, name, and signature of the veterinarian, including the professional license number, and tax receipt number.
The service charge for rabies vaccination rendered by CVAO is P80 per dog. Vaccination is free of charge during pasadang pambarangay, first week of March in celebration of Anti-Rabies Month, World Rabies Day, and when vaccines were obtained by city for free.
Other payable vaccinations are: canine parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, and leptospirosis (5-in-1), P350/dog; canine parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, and coronavirus (6-in-1), P450/dog; and kennel cough/pneumonia, P450/dog.
Pet owners who fail or refuse to have their dogs registered and immunized against rabies shall be fined P2,000 and other penalties provided under Section 11 of the Anti-Rabies Act of 2007.
Seized and impounded stray dogs at the city animal pound for safe keeping shall be released only after the dog is registered, vaccinated, and the accrued fines and fees were fully paid and upon presentation of proof of ownership by the claimant.
Fees for impounding is P500/dog, maintenance is P50/dog/day, and P650/dog in case of adoption.
Surrender of dogs whether healthy, sick, old aged, abandoned, vicious, or dangerous is not allowed.
Unclaimed impounded dogs can be adopted by any person of legal age upon presentation of valid identification card and a barangay certification indicating that he/she is a bonafide resident of Baguio, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and Tublay, Benguet and capable of taking care of a dog and has sufficient space to house the dog. Dog cage is required when adopting.
All adopted dogs must be posted in the CVAO Facebook account monthly for monitoring purposes.
Dogs unclaimed after three working days may be donated to veterinary schools for scientific study. Those impounded and not adopted after five days shall be considered abandoned and shall be disposed by euthanasia.
Unclaimed healthy dogs may be turned over to animal shelters or animal welfare groups accredited by the city government and registered with the Bureau of Animal Industry.
Dogs requested by students for scientific study shall be given free upon presentation of a letter approved by their adviser or instructor.