July 27, 2024

Imagine a world where the information disseminated to people cannot be challenged or validated; a world where you cannot disagree and you can only soak up information without the ability and right to check its validity and source. That is why debates are important.
The Greeks’ eagerness for knowledge and truth gave birth to public speaking, which then evolved into debates. Democracy in Ancient Greece was very stern and direct. The people are involved in creating and passing laws, not just electing officials. The Greeks believed that the people fuel their democracy, which is why they should be involved in every decision.
Asking everyone’s participation and opinion led to clashes in ideas; they needed a platform where they could resolve disagreements and come up with an idea they could all agree to.
Disagreements should be resolved with democracy; peace is still a priority to them. They eventually discovered debating, a formal discussion where they could argue about a subject, peacefully, put forward facts, and use nothing but persuasive speech.
Protagoras of Abdera, a Greek instructor who taught at Athens, is often referred to as the “Father of Debate.” “Man is the measure of all things” and “There are two sides to every question” are two of his most famous quotes that have survived. Protagoras believed that it was vital for men to seek knowledge and ask questions. Plato even named one of his dialogues after him. Debates are now used in politics, education, and even in everyday life.
Debates conducted during campaign periods allow citizens to get to know and properly choose their candidates.
Academic debates give students a chance to argue and build their confidence, but it is more than just a simple argument you have to have enough knowledge to back up what you believe in.
Participating and watching debates can also change our view and convince us that we are wrong. There is nothing wrong with being wrong. Errors are a natural part of life.
As Adam Grant said, “To err is human. It becomes a problem when you choose to stay wrong.” It becomes a problem when you choose to stay wrong.
To deny error is willful blindness. New information is an invitation to question old opinions. The faster you are to recognize your mistakes, the less wrong you become.
Voicing out your opinion is one thing but refusing to be corrected is another thing. Humans are expected to change and evolve as dictated by history and evolution. Even the Bible (Proverbs 29:1- 25) says that stubborn people who repeatedly refuse to accept correction will suddenly be broken and never recover. And that the Lord is overjoyed when people love wisdom.
Healthy arguments are possible only if we can accept being wrong and eventually changing our views. We can never always be right; let us be humbled. (ARTHUR VINCE SANLAO)