July 27, 2024

TUBLAY, Benguet – In response to the devastating impact of Super Typhoon Egay, the Department of Social Welfare and Development-Cordillera has launched the Emergency Cash Transfer (ECT) program across the province.

The initiative is aimed at providing financial support to those affected by the typoon’s aftermath, assisting them in their recovery efforts.

On Oct. 12, a total of P1,777,500 worth of assistance were given to 195 beneficiaries of Tublay. Five beneficiaries received P13,500 each for their severely damaged houses and 190 beneficiaries whose houses were slightly damaged received P9,000.

“The ECT is an adaptive strategy of the government in bridging the gaps between early response and early recovery. Early response involves providing food packs immediately as the calamities strike while early recovery signifies the transition to rebuilding and rehabilitation efforts,” DSWD Regional Director Leo L. Quintilla said.

The ECT payout in Tublay coincides with the payout held in Region 3 for those affected by the flooding in Region 4, for families affected by the eruption of the Mayon volcano, and those in Mindanao.

The payout will continue throughout Benguet this month.

ECT is an unconditional cash grant that may be used by the beneficiary for any purpose that would aid in their day to day needs on repair of their damaged house. As per DSWD Memorandum Circular 17, s. 2021, the amount of relief assistance is equivalent to the 75 percent of the prevailing regional daily wage rate multiplied by 30 days. – Hazel Ann Buy-o