July 27, 2024

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you. They will fight against you but not prevail over you, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.” (Jeremiah 1:4,19).
The biblical quote will tell that our earthly timeline is different from the timeline God made for us.
Our earthly timeline seen in the eyes of man is from birth to death. Facebook timeline is a perfect example of an earthly timeline seen in the eyes of man.
Enrolment on Facebook starts the posting of activities. Hopefully, it will not be hacked because the Facebook account will become another story. In Facebook, we control our post. We can delete. We can block people. We can comment. People can have different reactions to our posts. We can be liked and disliked.
The timeline created by God for us is different. It started even before we were formed in the womb and goes beyond the tomb after earthly death.

When sick and when I die
Here is a reflection of life when I was in bed for more than a week last month.
When sick, I am in a status of uncertainty. Will I get back to my normal life or forever live the opposite?
When sick, I break from my daily routine and by force, to adjust to the pale corners of my room and the sick bed becomes my resting place even if I don’t literally rest.
When sick, the mint scent becomes soothing and the wellness anointing oil relieves body pains and spontaneously reinvigorates the skin.
When sick, being induced to sleep is a big hope for recovery and healing.
When asleep, uncertainty will never be my concern. My good slumber in bed is an experience of peace. It is a moment of death where I no longer have any concern and no pain to feel. I am left in a moment where everything even my safety is no longer my concern. Sleep is necessary for healing.
When sick, I pray more. I think less. I become a little powerless child who needs the hand of everyone to eat, sit, stand, or visit the comfort room. When sick, I become a carefree little baby cuddled by those who really care.
When sick, I am reminded of my next journey where sickness is no longer a vocabulary.
When sick, music is deeply felt in my nerves. God talks to me in songs. Music and lyrics are like raindrops falling on my soul ready to be written and sung.
When sick, to smile, to laugh, and to sing become difficult but they are symptoms of true healing.
When sick, sickness and healing are better understood as two indispensable facets of healthy living. The spirituality of healthy living sees sickness to the beyond.

The earthly life of Mayor Gabino Gangga-ngan
Life is short. Life is a mystery. But we trust that God will have better plans for everyone.
We have plans but God has other plans for us. Let us constantly be in touch with the Lord so that when our time comes we will always be ready.
We will all die. But some go ahead and some stay behind. We don’t know the time. We stay prepared by being with the Lord at all times and everywhere.
Mayor Gabi was beating the gong and unaware of his impending last gasp of air. People were dancing. Mayor Gabi gracefully beat the gong along with his team to make people happy. It was such an act of love.
On Jan. 29, at 9:30 p.m., I received a text message informing the sudden death of the brave mayor. I was shocked and profoundly sad.
I went to Bontoc General Hospital and became speechless. I saw grieving friends around the body. I felt the deep sorrow of everyone.
Everybody was invited for the prayer of commendation and prayer for the dead but it was very difficult to start.
The peace advocacy of the brave mayor of ending insurgency will surely bear fruits in due season. The advocacies on peace will not end. God will continue it. Truly we can hardly comprehend because God works in mysterious ways but we are certain, God will do it for authentic peace.
Eternal rest grant unto Mayor Gabino P. Ganggangan and let perpetual light shine upon him forever. May he rest in peace.
We pray for the bereaved family and the people of Sadanga that they may be consoled by the good Lord.