July 27, 2024

Have you had those days when nothing seems to go right? We all have had those tough times. In fact, we may have gone through a season of weeks, months, or even years when nothing seemed to turn out as planned. No matter how strong we are, we all experience discouragement, frustration, pains, hurts, problems or near defeat. During these times, we feel so alone. That’s where we realize we are weak.
Many people in the world want to say Christianity and even God Himself is a crutch for the weak. But during those times, it is in our weakness that we discover God’s strength, faithfulness, and the incredible encouragement he offers. Second Corinthians 12:10 tell us, “Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, I am strong.”
God never says, “Give up”. You’re going to be defeated.” On the contrary, the Bible reminds us than we are more than conquerors through Christ. God speaks of unending grace and mercy as well as His overflowing fountains of Love. He wants us to make it. He wants us to live a victorious, successful life. He wants us to know that no matter how challenging life is, He is here for us.
When things go wrong in our lives, we need to turn to God and ask for His help. Relief may not be immediate or even quick according to our standards, but God is ready to lead the charge to help us come through those difficult times in our lives with rock solid faith in Him. Recognizing our weakness allows us to depend on the source of true strength.
When times are good, being a friend is easy. However, when life becomes a struggle, only genuine friends stay close by. It takes sacrifice and true, deep love to be a friend to someone who is hurting and in need.
Sometimes friends may become “scarce” because they do not know how to console us, or because our circumstances seem overwhelming to them. But God is not like that. He is the best friend you’ll ever have, and He reassures you and I of His presence by promising, “I will never leave you, nor will I ever forsake you”. By His nature, he is a comforter, standing by us and encouraging us through every dark valley we traverse.
The Lord never told us we’d have smooth sailing in this world. Quite the contrary, Jesus told us to expect storms: In the world you have tribulation, he said. Then He added a word of encouragement: But take courage; I have overcome the world (John 16:33). Staying close to Him in our times of trouble is the way to victorious survival.
Be assured that the Lord never wastes our pain or suffering; He allows them for a reason. If you are facing a difficulty or crisis, ask God to reveal His purpose for it. Then cast your cares upon Him because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7). And remember to lean upon the Lord because He does not way you to face your trial alone.