July 27, 2024

1. Two political camps are about to launch their own surveys to determine the winnability of members, as many are interested to run for same elective posts.

2. The friendship is over between an aspiring department head and a colleague due to the former’s accidental sharing of a screenshot of a private chat against the latter.

3. Behind the respectable demeanor of a ranking government worker is someone so shameless, as he takes advantage of business hours flirting with sex workers.

4. The political ambition of a self-styled modern-day emcee is doomed to fail if he continues to undermine his colleagues like he is more superior than them.

5. A seasoned Cordilleran politician and his camp are not worried that an aspirant is spending millions in early campaigning since the former is assured of winning.

6. Another political aspirant has decided not to involve his wife in  ‘campaign sorties’ in the towns and barangays since his partner is being disliked by voters.

7. Employees in an urban LGU are not demoralized when a favored co-worker got promoted to a key position less than a month after his appointment papers.

8. A former ranking provincial official and his former aide decided to part ways as each of them are now supporting two politicians aspiring for the same post.

9. This once controversial public figure might be running as an independent if he will not be accommodated in the coalition of formidable incumbent politicians.

10. The public is just hopeful that this LGU will complete the construction of the much-publicized infra projects that are delayed for some months or a year now.