July 27, 2024

Former ONE flyweight world champion Geje Eustaquio has projected that reigning champion Adriano Moraes will emerge victorious against challenger Demetrious Johnson when the two collide at ONE 161 on Aug. 26.

The two have fought each other three times inside the ONE circle, so the Team Lakay stalwart is familiar with how Moraes will bring it to Johnson in their much-awaited title fight.

“I expect fireworks from both warriors. Both of them are fire-tested and both of them are legends. I expect nothing but a full display of mixed martial arts,” Eustaquio said.

But truth be told, the Team Lakay fighter is leaning more towards Moraes in this face-off. Regardless of their past rivalry, Eustaquio is proud of his former rival’s achievements in ONE Championship.

“Adriano, you have to remember that when all of them doubted you to win against DJ, you proved them all wrong by giving him his first career knockout. You have to stay on that mentality and I wish you a safe and healthy competition,” he said.

He even gave a tip on how Moraes can repeat over DJ and still retain his belt.

“Adriano needs to be unpredictable in order to retain the title. He has to move constantly because DJ is crafty in playing the game. Adriano has all the tools and had them all tested before,” he said.

Although Eustaquio has recently accepted a challenge to face an up-and-coming contender  Gurdashan Mangat, he does not deny that he is keeping his eye on the prize, and that is to get back in the flyweight division rankings and grab a chance to do a four-part against his former rival Moraes. Ultimately, he wants to bring the ONE flyweight world championship belt back into the Cordillera. – Harley F. Palangchao