July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – The Department of Science and Technology Cordillera invited members of the Igorot Global Organization residing abroad to invest in their homeland.
During the 13th Igorot International Consultation (IIC) hosted by Kalinga from Feb. 7 to 10, DOST Regional Director Nancy Bantog presented to the more than 200 delegates the available DOST-funded technologies for adoption.
Bantog said DOST is looking for adopters of their assisted inventions for commercialization and invited expatriates to invest on these matured technologies and create a culture of S&T-based communities.
The technologies are for agriculture, livestock and poultry, and health and medicine.
The DOST-Cordillera also conducted a research and development and inventors forum for school representatives and research coaches at the provincial science and technology training center here.
Evelyn Ganotice, Tabuk City School Division Learning Resources Management and Development System supervisor, accepted the DOST’s challenge to give their students a break to engage in technology inventions. She also assured they will mentor their students on exploring technologies.
During the 2019 Regional Invention Contest and Exhibits (RICE), 15 inventions in the Cordillera were awarded with Kalinga students getting three awards.
The Calamansi Peeling Cookies of the Kalinga State University (KSU) was the regional winner under Outstanding Utility Model Category while the Chicken Taro Balls, also of KSU, won first runner-up.
The Solar Powered Light Trap for Rice Insect of Camalog National High School in Pinukpuk was also the regional winner under Sibol Category-High School.
The winning inventions will be showcased in the national RICE contest this year. – Peter A. Balocnit