July 27, 2024

Born in the post-War period, the Baguio Midland Courier turns 77 years old today, April 28, the day when its great founders announced the birth of a paper that would soon become an integral part of the fabric of a democratic society in this highland region.
For close to eight decades, its editorial board has proudly taken great care in upholding the major tenets of the Midland Courier coined by its founders – a paper that is Fair, Fearless, Friendly, and Free.
It has been quite a ride being a steadfast source of news with its wide range of coverages from politics, business, peace and order, lifestyle, education, culture and arts, and sports – hurdling challenges along the way and still emerging as the most sought after local newspaper in the highlands.
A recipient of major accolades from national and international award-winning bodies, the Midland Courier remains the lone Hall of Fame awardee for excellence in civic journalism north of the imperial Manila as conferred by the Philippine Press Institute.
The advent of digital age may seem a challenge to every newspaper, and so with the Midland Courier. But its circulation shows that it remains a trusted and credible source of news and information. Seen as a staunch advocate of a free and just society, its role remains significant and its value, profound and irreplaceable.
The Midland Courier owes in large part its awards to its legion of readers and advertisers who supported its cause since its maiden copies swept the streets of this mountain resort and after it expanded its circulation to the other parts of this highland region and nearby lowland places.
This anniversary supplement that comes with the regular issue of the paper speaks of the legacy of its founders and this publication to the city, the region, and its people for the past 77 years.
The Midland Courier has become a template for other media outlets and it inspired the birth of other weekly publications in the Cordillera, although many of them have ceased their operations due to the advent of digital media.
Aside from serving as an alternative English teacher for epitomizing excellence in the craft of writing, the Midland Courier is also a paper with a big heart, having also pioneered media relief drives for victims of major calamities that have devastated communities in the past decades.
The Midland Courier was also a launching pad for excellent writers venturing into politics, and many have become great political leaders and lawyers in their own right, so one can say the paper helped in shaping the political landscape in this highland region.
The paper likewise gives a voice to ordinary citizens, especially the youth, who speak their minds on a mammoth of issues through their countless contributions.
For a light touch on a serious matter, its Obituary section remains one of the most browsed pages as “one is officially dead when published in the Obit page of Midland.”
Its editorial cartooning and caricatures continue to inspire insights among its readers, even while it may irk some individuals like government officials who may feel insinuated.
Its classified and display ads have also greatly helped jobseekers and those looking for services, accommodation facilities and products before the advent of the digital media.
Beyond this milestone, the Midland Courier will sustain its legacy that is deeply rooted in its commitment to providing accurate, timely, and relevant information to people in this highland region and faraway lands.
The Midland Courier will be here to stay. Its enduring presence underscores its enduring importance as a guardian of the free press and a democratic society.