July 27, 2024

As a graduating student, there have been so many questions that are running in my mind right now, such as “What will happen after my graduation?”, “What job will I apply for?”, and “Can I handle the new challenges in my life?”
My expected graduation date is in May. I am excited but at the same time, I am also nervous and pressured. I really do not know what step to take and I am constantly asking myself of my true passions in life.
I know that my daily routines will change as soon as I graduate. There would be no more summer vacations in the real world and it will probably be even harder to have recreation from time to time. I do not need to review for exams anymore but I definitely have to be more mindful and prudent before I take any decision in life because it will either make or break me. There will be no more daily school activities but there will probably be stressful days because of office paperwork and deadlines. There will be no more late night chikahans with my friends during weekdays because I have to wake up every single morning to go to work. I do not have teachers to please anymore but I have a boss and colleagues to get along with.
A chapter will close for the real world to begin. Life will probably be more serious because adulting is really hard.
My priorities will also change. Just like any other typical Filipino graduate, my top priority after graduation is to help my parents by giving back what they sacrificed for me, and helping them to pay for the education of my siblings. As I continue to contemplate, I start to plan things out but I am also overwhelmed with the possible opportunities. I am planning to continue and manage the business that my father started in our province but I also want to apply for a job that can greatly help me to improve and use my skills and talents, it’s just that I am not so sure where or what company I will apply.
Yes, one of the major crises of fresh graduates is definitely related to money. However, I just realized that there are also a lot of things in life that I will be working on such as my emotional health and mental wellbeing. As an adult, I really think that it will be truly hard for me to make time for every aspect of my life and balance everything. Is there a step-by-step guide for adulting? I do not think so.
With all these, I think what’s important is I have to move and just continue to figure things out as I go. Nothing will ever happen if I just constantly overthink about things and I do not want to experience the so-called “analysis paralysis.” Adulting will be like a roller coaster ride and I believe that aside from the challenges, I will also learn a lot about life along the way.