July 27, 2024

Valentine’s Day is one of the most awaited occasions of couples. They allot time and exert efforts to celebrate this day.
However, some single individuals feel unhappy and lonely during Valentine’s Day. We cannot blame them because the day is commonly celebrated through a romantic date.
Giving of flowers, chocolates, cards, or stuffed toys is one of the traditional manners men show their love, appreciation and thoughtfulness to women. Valentine’s Day intensifies couples’ love and relationship. It will remind and keep them to hold on to their vows, which is to love each other faithfully and eternally.
Originally, Valentine’s Day is known as a feast day in the early church to commemorate the martyrdom of three saints named Valentine or Valentinus. One is believed to be a priest in Rome. He was killed due to continuously performing secret marriages. Others insist it is named after St. Valentine, a bishop in Terni, Italy who was assassinated. He attempted to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons. Some identified an imprisoned Valentine who sent the first “Valentine greeting” after he fell in love with a young girl who visited him. All of them sacrificed their lives for the sake of Christianity during the third century.
The history of Valentine’s Day signifies Christianity. Hence, the celebration is not exclusively for couples or lovers. It is more than having a romantic date and exchanging gifts and sweet messages. Its real essence is spiritual and social commitment and upliftment.
Let us be enlightened that Valentine’s Day is not only associated with Eros, love. It also paves its way to agape, philia, philautia and storge love. Hence, those without partners do not need to worry anymore. There is no reason for them to feel sad during the event. They can still enjoy because there are other kinds of love.
If you do not have a romantic date on Valentine’s Day, go to church and have a date with God. It will strengthen agape or spiritual love. According to spiritual understanding, agape is unconditional and selfless. It is a love that emulates the love of God. We must love one another as God loves us unconditionally. Above all, love God without any reservations and put Him in the center of your life. God’s love for us is permanent also. Others may abandon us but God will never forsake us.
Valentine’s Day can be celebrated with friends or comrades to heighten relationship that we built. Loving them and vice versa makes our life more colorful. This is called philia love. It is important to have friends. They are considered as part of our family because of their presence during our happy and miserable moments.
Philautia or self-love must be emphasized during Valentine’s Day. Let us reflect on this special day and be cheerful. Treat yourself. Go to a parlor for enhancement, dine in a restaurant or visit a comfortable and relaxing place. Former American actress and producer Lucille Ball said “Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”
Widows, widowers, and those who are separated from their husband or wife should not be sad every Valentine’s Day. They can always celebrate the occasion with their kids. As a result, their love to each other and relationship will be more enhanced. Storge or parent-child love must be given importance. According to studies or researches, children who are well-loved by their parents mostly manifest positive attitudes. While, children who are neglected by their parents usually display negative attributes.
Valentine’s Day is indeed a remarkable day. Its celebration deepens our relationship with God, parents, brothers, sisters and friends. Thus, we must always love unconditionally and purely. It is the surest way to create solidarity, peace and harmony. These three essential elements will certainly bring us prosperity and absolute happiness.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all. Let us fill our hearts with genuine and pure love and be a blessing to everyone. (JENELYN J. AGAYO)