July 27, 2024

The city council on Monday through Resolution 469, s. 2020 has encouraged residents to observe social media, online, or cyber ethics and etiquettes.
The appeal is in support to the Character Council of the city government of Baguio, the Department of the Interior and Local Government’s Disiplina Muna advocacy campaign, and the universal fight against fake news and disinformation.
The joint resolution reminds about responsible use of social media or cyber platform in the promotion, marketing, teaching, advocacy campaign, and sharing of opinions or showing support or opposition to government policies, projects, and programs.
“As the number of digital users increases spurred by readily available information, false news has been spreading like a wildfire. It causes harmful misinformation among the users and readers apart from its adverse impact to the community, especially during these challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s a serious problem that should be addressed not only by the government but with the willing cooperation from the digital community,” reads the resolution.
The resolution also encouraged everyone to actively help in sharing the best practices and positive developments being done and introduced in Baguio, including positive critiquing coupled with correct data and information with the clear purpose of helping and uplifting concerned readers and the government.
Meanwhile, the city council in Resolution 462, s. 2020 has requested various internet service providers in the city to provide their respective special customer service sections for faster application and accommodation of applicants for the online learning modality.
It hopes that the concerns of residents for immediate internet connection in their household, which is essential for their children’s online learning, will be properly addressed with additional workforce and sections to be provided by these internet service providers.
The resolution also stressed on the urgency of internet service for e-learners at this time to be installed already before the scheduled opening of classes on October.
In Resolution 466, s. 2020, the Department of Labor and Employment-Cordillera was requested to intensify its information campaign and advocacy to fill the significant gap in the knowledge and awareness of workers and employers in the city on the labor standards enforcement framework.
The action is in response to the information shared by DOLE-CAR Director Exequiel Ronie Guzman of reports of their labor inspectors regarding various violations committed by concerned establishments in the city on general labor standards, such as underpayment of minimum wage, nonpayment of regular holiday and special holiday pay; nonpayment of rest day premium; nonpayment of overtime pay; and non-membership of workers with the Social Security System, Pag-ibig fund, and PhilHealth.
The labor office was also urged to enhance its labor inspectorate system and to initiate consultation and coordination with the city council committee on employment, livelihood and cooperatives and persons with disability to come up with legislations for the protection of the interest and promotion of the welfare of workers in Baguio.
Through Resolution 472, s. 2020, “buy local” is being encouraged in acquiring goods and services in the city and the BLISTT (La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba and Tublay) area.
As defined in the resolution, buy local refers to purchasing locally produced goods and services within the locality and patronizing the local businesses and supporting local traders, dealers, producers, and entrepreneurs.
The resolution says preference to buy and patronize local products and services promotes economic growth and social stability, as it strengthens local businesses which hire local people, thus, buying local strengthens self-reliance and economic standing of a community, increases revenue and income, and promotes local employment.
Local products may include crafts, food and food products, fruits and vegetables, and other agriculture produce and byproducts.
The resolution further solicits the assistance of the Department of Trade and Industry and other concerned offices to help in the dissemination and promotion of this endeavor.