July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – The province’s Resbakuna program continues to push with the arrival of 15,000 doses vaccines made by Janssen Pharmceutica – a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, from the Department of Health-Cordillera.
This single-dose vaccine against Covid-19 will be administered to A2 and A3 priority groups in identified geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas.
Based on the DOH guidelines, the vaccines should be administered within six days upon delivery. The Provincial Health Office has already set the deployment of these vaccines to target areas in the province and briefed health personnel of recipient-LGUs.
For the province’s Covid-19 vaccination rollout, the PHO reported 11,211 individuals administered with first dose and 6,170 given full doses as of July 21. They were inoculated with either Sinovac’s Coronavac or AstraZeneca vaccine. 
Kalinga has 41,484 eligible persons for vaccination under the priority A group.
As categorized by the National Immunization Technical Advisory Group, priority A1 includes frontline workers in all health facilities, health professionals, and non-professionals such as students, nursing aides, janitors and barangay health workers; A2 – senior citizens; A3 – persons with co-morbidity; A4 – frontline personnel in essential sectors including uniformed personnel; and A5 – indigent populations not otherwise included in the preceding categories. – Larry Lopez