July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – Teachers of  the province  were  honored as molders of great leaders and successful government servants during the celebration of National Teacher’s Day and Indigenous People’s Education Day.

Gov. Ferdinand B. Tubban, in his keynote message, commended teachers as frontliners in human development.

 “Today we join the entire nation in giving honor to our teachers in whose hands our children fulfill their dreams,” Tubban said.

 There is no other nobler job than what our teachers are doing for we all know they work beyond their pay and time, he said.

 This, he said, makes them unsung heroes of the nation citing their influence on their pupils and students.

Why are there are great students? Because there are great teachers, Tubban said.

Today we admit that teaching has become a less-preferred course because of low pay and to those pursuing the course, Tubban encouraged them to see it as a vocation rather than profession.

Nobody could become what he is without teachers, Tubban said.

By virtue of Proclamation 242, September 5 to October 5 of every year is National Teachers’ Month, while Republic Act 10743 declares Oct. 5 of every year as National Teachers Day. – Larry T. Lopez