May 13, 2024

AMONG THE SOUTHERN Cordis, there is this Expression (EXPR) – when said or uttered, usually at the end of an Advice or ending Paragraph, has a soothing, cooling, and importantly ‘powerful’ touch or effect on the recipient or ‘patient’. This is the EXPR and our topic today: Kasiyato (Ibaloi) or Kasiyana (in Kankana-ey, and in other related languages).
IT IS ‘SOMEWHAT’ related to the Tagalog expression maaayos din yan (Literally, “that shall be fixed”); or maybe the Iluko maiurnos (“will be arranged”, or “shall be in order”) as in: Di kayo agdanag, maiurnos min to ti pagsasaritaan mi.) (Lit. “Don’t worry, we shall arrange in-order our agreements.”). Still, with these examples, we feel there’s something ‘more’ in Kasiyato or Kasiyana – not ‘captured’ by our above illustrations of the Tagalog maaasyos and the Iluko maiurnos. So, let’s try English. What about:
“EVERYTHING SHALL COME to-order”(?) or, “(These) shall fructify to a final happy/favourable End”(?) or “Things shall – by themselves, get fixed (or be in-order)”(?)
SO IF YOU are a user of the EXPR Kasiyato or Kasiyana, are you satisfied with our English renditions? I tried to ask some Informants, and ‘native’ speakers/users too – of the aforesaid expressions. Here are some of what they say:
KASIYATO? I USUALLY hear that from old folks giving advices to a nan ngilin (newlyweds, traditional style); like: ‘pan obda kayo.. Kasiyato, on baknang kayo..’ (Lit. “you work hard.. you’ll see.. you’ll be rich..”). -Informant Belino B. Lackias, Personal Interview, Binga, Itogon, October 09, 2019.
INFORMANT REYNOLD RHODA relates of what an Elder said to him after he lost his bid for an elective position: adi kan unay nemnemnemen di, kasiyana, mabotasan ka met laeng is tapin di agew! (“Don’t think so much about it, you’ll see.. you’ll get elected someday!”).
WHEN I ASKED ‘Uncle Pat’ Cuilan about the English renditions I’ve provided Supra., he said: “Yes, Yes.. can be; but not just one of those… all of those. You know, of course, that when one says Kasiyato.. he is as if giving some kind of assurance!”
FOR YOUR OWN analyses and mine, let’s cite some situation-examples where Kasiyato/Kasiyana may be applicable:
TWO YOUNG PARENTS are conversing. Says the husband: “Our two kids, always quarrel. The older one often makes his younger brother cry.. but sometimes, the younger brother fights and, you know.. xxx”
THE WIFE JOINS in saying, “yes, and when the younger one gets angry, he just picks up any object near, to throw to his manong.. we get very worried each time they do these things.. xxx”
AND A LISTENING uncle calmly said: “Yes, be watchful that they don’t hurt each other.. especially that they’re both at those tender ages.. Kasiyato.. (n.b. in this Context, the meaning come close to “Don’t worry..”), they’ll change as they grow up. You’ll be surprised, they’ll even protect each other!”
ANOTHER SITUATION-EXAMPLE: two old men, retirable, but still actively engaged in Agro-farming i.e. a little gardening, planting fruit trees, and tending to domesticates – some fowls, hogs, goats.
SAYS JOHN, THE older one: ara, akak, on bakbaknang nem… (“EXPR, “why I don’t get rich any..”). I’ve been trying to work hard towards that for years.. but up to now.. xxx”. Smiling and nodding,
THORAB BENT, THE younger one answered: “but we are, aren’t we? Because we eat ‘three square meals’ a day – as the Filipino saying goes..
“YOU REMEMBER STILL what uncle Gusting used to tell us each time we visited him at his house at Pahdok: kenshatto.. mayol e anos. Umbaknang kayo ngo reshan, no Kasiyato!” (That’s the way it is.. patience is best. You’ll get wealthy, if you’re destined to!”)
‘IF YOU’RE DESTINED to’ is our translation contextual of our EXPR in this second Example. So,
‘FURTHER AND DEEPER therefore are the meanings and implications of Kasiyato or Kasiyana – with well-wish and positive favours on the ‘Patient’, or the one receiving it! Ayuhh!