July 27, 2024

TABUK CITY, Kalinga – Rep. Allen Jesse Mangaoang wants the Kalinga State University (KSU) to be an institution that narrows the gap between the poor and the rich, aside from being a harbinger of knowledge in society.
“We aim to build bridges to curtail prejudice and harmonize the big communication gap brought about by lack of education and problem on illiteracy. Through our trailblazing research programs, we aim to provide what science could best provide to harness scientific knowledge to enhance our technical capabilities, and we build bridges through our extension programs to help capacitate our communities to tame the widening economic gap between the most privileged and the marginalized farmers,” Mangaoang said in his speech during KSU’s 27th anniversary and 4th university charter day celebration.
As the highest educational institution in the province, Mangaoang said students who enter KSU must be molded to become good citizens and succeed to become professionals in their own field, as he challenged educators of KSU to leave a legacy as their best gift to the i-Kalingas.
“As you continue molding our students to succeed in the profession they ambition to become, explore the unknown and leave a trail for generations to pass. Be remembered as the best professor or instructor your students ever had. As they leave the portals of KSU, they will feel fulfilled with sense of accomplishment as they render service to their fellowmen,” Mangaoang said.
Mangaoang committed his full support to the education sector. He said KSU will be in his legislative and development agenda.
He said KSU is entrenched in the annals of his family history and the same history shall serve as his inspiration to help carry this institution towards new heights.
Mangaoang sits as member of the University’s Board of Regents. – Peter A. Balocnit