July 27, 2024

Almost one month has passed since the start of the new normal approach in education. Before, school was about waking up in the cold morning, preparing to go to school, waiting in jeepney lines, greeting your teachers and classmates, enjoying breaks with your friends, and going home at the end of the day fulfilled and happy for a day spent in the four-corner classroom of our respected schools.
With classes being held online under the new normal, we shifted from the noise of students in the classrooms to noisy backgrounds – the bark of the dogs, carpentry, crying younger siblings, jeepneys passing by. We now greet each other by waving on screen.
A lot has changed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We could see the efforts of teachers who are patiently innovating to make sure that gaps are filled and make online classes as close to having physical classes. Adjustments must be done; patience and understanding is the key so that we could survive the challenges brought about by the changes we are now dealing with. Let us be patient when our Internet connection is slow and be understanding.
After almost a month of having in online classes, I realized that learning can be done when we take every opportunity to learn and treat our online classes like we are learning in our classrooms. Respect and compassion are also needed because not all of us are in the same situation. Not all have gadgets to be used for online learning. Not all have strong Internet connections.
Let us also understand that teachers are also adjusting. The learners are not the only ones adjusting to the new normal. Teachers deserve nothing but respect, whether our interaction with them is online or face-to-face.
Learning could also be the best inside the comforts of our houses. It can be fun if we engage our family member. So, turn on those screens, read those modules, accomplish those tasks, and appreciate the people who help and teach us. Learning under the new normal is not easy but before we complain, let us think about the frontliners who are doing everything to protect us. Let us do our part. Let us treat our online classes like we are going to our schools and joining actual classes.
Cheers to everyone who get up early everyday and deal with their modules and synchronous online classes. We send our consolation to the students who had to stop going to school because of the pandemic and to the students who take their breaks but never stops. Together, we learn in the new normal. We shall overcome. — Ruth Ann. D. Romero