July 27, 2024

Three proposed ordinances dwelling on the urban poor, institutionalization of universal health care in Baguio, and integration of the Baguio health system into the disaster and risk reduction management system of the city have been filed at the city council last week.
Proponent Councilor Lilia Fariñas proposed an ordinance that seek to create an urban poor association in every barangay of Baguio and a federation of urban poor associations to act as their mother organization, while the two other proposals are authored by Councilor Joel Alangsab.
In separate resolutions, the body granted favorable review to two barangay ordinances.
First is Barangay Ordinance 1, s. 2020 of Scout Barrio, which allowed the collection of parking fees at designated areas at the barangay.
Pay parking area for residents are at the open spaces at Purok 6, beside the mini park for nine slots; beside the basketball court for 12 slots; and at the back of the stage for six slots.
These pay parking areas shall be available exclusively to the homeowners/residents of the barangay, and that any vacated slot shall be deemed available.
Areas for overnight parking include open spaces in front of Our Lady of Lourdes chapel for 12 slots; and in front of the Palaganas Bakery/jeepney station for nine slots.
Applicants for overnight parking may apply at the barangay hall on a first come, first served basis. Payment shall be made before parking.
Monthly parking is P150, while overnight parking is P50 to be paid only to the barangay treasurer who will issue official receipt to the payor.
Violators shall be penalized in accordance with laws, rules, and regulations set by authorized government offices/units.
Also granted favorable review is Ordinance 2, s. 2020 of Barangay Pacdal, which prohibits owners of domesticated animals and/or pets (i.e. chicken, goats, cats, dogs, ducks, cows and the like) from allowing such animals and/or pets to roam in any open vacant lot, sidewalk, road/street, park, or in any other public places with the jurisdiction of the barangay, and imposing fines/penalties for violation.
The owners who brought or allowed their pets or animals in the prohibited areas are obligated to clean the urine and feces of their pets/animals, and shall pay 50 percent of the fines.
The fines and penalties are: P400 for first offense; P700 for second offense; and P1,000 for third offense.
In Resolution 27, s. 2021 the council requested Mayor Benjamin B. Magalong and the Information Technology Business Solutions (ITBS) Corporation through its president, John Paul M. Miranda, to review and revise the registration form being used in the Baguio In My Pocket (BIMP) app to include only the primary data from registrants.
The revised registration form before its use shall be presented to the council for concurrence, and that intensive information and dissemination campaign for the residents/citizens on the requirement to be issued a QR code shall be conducted.
The action addresses the common concern of applicants for their personal QR codes, which among other uses, is a requirement before entering City Hall, that aside from primary data of the applicant, other additional or secondary data are being asked/required like names of grandparents which is daunting and time-consuming.
ITBS Corporation offered a project proposal called “Smart City Ecosystems” that can be accessed through mobile applications and web portals subsumed into one but with various components called modules. This can be used to facilitate selected government transactions particularly barangay registration system and citizen app; citizen registration management system; disaster emergency management and operation ecosystem; e-government management system composed of revenue generating system, financial management system, administrative management system and legislative management system; traffic management system non-contact apprehension; distance online classes through “Know Your Children;” and smart lamp post system.
In 2020, the city council confirmed the memorandum of agreement between the city government of Baguio and the ITBS Corporation insofar as the “Know Your Citizens” component is concerned, the “Baguio In My Pocket” project, except for other components which shall be covered by a separate MOA and subject to confirmation by the council.
The BIMP project under the MOA, envisions an improved system of delivering frontline services to constituents through a smart mobile app and web portal as part of conforming to the new normal practices.