July 27, 2024

The Civil Service Commission is calling interested government employees to join the “Journey to the New Normal” photography contest.
The contest aims to influence people to observe the right behavior in fighting the Covid-19 and demonstrate the Filipino’s innate character and propensity to care for each other in times of pandemic.
Based on Memorandum Circular 2020-08 signed by CSC-Cordillera Director Marilyn Taldo, each participant can send one entry only.
Entries must be sent to the CSC on or before Aug. 24. The photo must show the “new norms of behavior which may effectively inspire others on how to deal with the impact of the Covid-19.”
All Filipino public servants can join the contest, except CSC employees including their relatives up to the second degree of affinity or consanguinity.
Photos must be original, colored, and must not contain copyrighted materials, in digital JPPG or JPG format, (horizontal or vertical image) with at least 300 dpi and maximum file size of 10MB. It must not have been previously submitted or have won in any photography contest.
The photo must be taken from July 1 only.
The criteria for judging are content and adherence to the theme (30 percent), visual impact (25 percent), creativity and originality (25 percent), and photography quality (20 percent).
Entries must include the name, sex, age, mailing address, contact number and (government) agency name of participant. The photo title and caption, specific place, and date where the photo was taken must also be included.
Winners will be announced on Sept. 15 after screening at the CSC central office.
Inquiries may be directed to Argie Aquino at 0918-949-5115, 443-5981, and 443-5982 or email [email protected] and [email protected]. – Julie G. Fianza