July 27, 2024

The creative and those in the tourism sectors are among those badly affected by the enhanced community quarantine.

To help them get back on their feet, the City Tourism and Special Events Division (CTSED), Baguio Creative Council, and the Baguio Tourism Council will be maximizing the potential of online platforms to help them.

There are around 4,000 individuals in the tourism sector affected by the quarantine. Supervising Tourism Operations Officer Alec Mapalo said this does not count those in the underground economy. For those in the creative sector, the CTSED is still collating data about how many are affected.

He said a stimulus package will also be rolled out for them.

In the meantime, Mapalo said audio-video productions and brochures promoting the revitalized tourist sites of Baguio are being prepared as part of the city’s tourism recovery plan.

These will be posted in the official social media page and website of the city government.  

For the creative sector, Creative Council member Councilor Betty Lourdes Tabanda said an online marketing platform will be developed for the posting and selling of products made by artists and craftsmen.

She said the events such as the Ipitik Festival and concerts will be mounted as part of the city’s continuing commitment in promoting arts and crafts as a member of the Unesco Creative Cities Network.

As a result of the quarantine, major events scheduled in the summer such as Mangan Taku and Ipitik Festival were cancelled, but in the tourism recovery plan prepared by the CTSED, major changes will be implemented in the tourism sector once the country recovers from the new coronavirus pandemic. – Rimaliza A. Opiña