July 27, 2024

The Baguio City Council has tasked the committee on employment, livelihood, cooperatives, and persons with disabilities to study solutions to the perennial problems brought about by unauthorized activities of “massage therapists” in various areas of Burnham Park. 

The city council has also urged the City Social and Welfare Development to initiate livelihood programs and provide capacity training for individuals providing massage services in Burnham Park to elevate the professionalism of their chosen vocation and ensure compliance with standards while providing opportunities for skill development and economic empowerment.

The discussion during the city council’s regular session on Feb. 26 focused on the problematic presence of unauthorized and unlicensed massage therapists operating within the park premises. Problems raised include absence of proper permits leading to unregulated practices, sanitation concerns, substandard service, and eroding public perception on the park due to the presence of unauthorized massage therapists and their unacceptable practices.

Angel Reytun and Evangelyn Reytun, representing the massage practitioners, expressed their desire to formalize their activities and comply with existing regulations. They appealed to the city officials to allocate specific zones where they could legally offer their services, with a particular focus on catering to tourists. – Jordan G. Habbiling