July 27, 2024

The undersigned is the owner of a lot covered by Tax Declaration 2010-06001644 located at Sitio Golon, Ambassador, Tublay, Benguet.
The issue involving the lot started three years ago when the spouses Guidangen represented by the wife, Juliet, failed to comply with the terms and mode of payment of the portion of my lot which they supposedly purchased.
Even if they have not complied, the couple managed to establish a business which they claimed to be an eco-park and was named as Beacon Hill United Kingdom of Tublay.
The operation of an eco-park was not part of the negotiation and that the couple has not fully paid the property.
This baffles me as to why the facility has been allowed by the Mayor’s Office to ope- rate, even without the necessary documents to prove ownership of the lot where the tourist spot is located.
I am also wondering how the couple acquired business permit, excavation permit, building permit, including a tree-cutting permit from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
I also wonder if the management was able to secure permit from the Bureau of Internal Revenue that is supposed to be posted in a strategic area within the facility.
I am seeking for an explanation why a business permit was issued when there was no sufficient investigation from the Mayor’s Office to establish if the Beacon Hill management is indeed the true owner of the lot.
This, as ordinary citizens or businessmen must fully comply with the pre-requisites before they are issued permits by the local government unit.
In the spirit of fairness, the Mayor’s Office led by Mayor Armando Lauro must cause the suspension of the operation of the Beacon Hill until such time the supposed owners have provided the requirements in compliance with the National Building Code and other laws. — LAVERNE C. AMOR, Baguio City