July 27, 2024

Mayor Benjamin Magalong sought the regreening of barangays now bereft of trees to improve the air quality and appearance of these bare and bleak-looking areas.

The mayor tasked concerned offices led by the City Environment and Parks Management Office to encourage residents to plant and rear trees in available open spaces, in their barangays, especially in denuded ones and to find ways to give them incentives.

The mayor expressed concern on the loss of trees even in public spaces in the barangays like Quirino Hill, which now look desolate and unhealthy.

“We need to bring back the trees in said areas not only for beautification purposes but more importantly for health and environmental benefits,” the mayor said.

The mayor tasked the offices to come up with incentive packages to encourage people to plant trees.

He also encouraged groups and individuals to continue their regular tree planting programs and activities in watersheds, forest reservations, and other open spaces in the city to sustain these vital sources of water and clean air.

For tree planting activities, contact the Cepmo through forester Floro Bastian at 0910-532-8139. – Aileen P. Refuerzo