July 27, 2024

The public should now get used to early curfews, physical distancing, market day schedules, regulated operation of stores and public transportation, mandatory use of facemasks, and disinfection.

When the enhanced community quarantine is lifted on May 15, the public must not expect that everything will be what it used to be pre-Covid-19.

City Mayor Benjamin Magalong has underscored these reminders during a management committee meeting on April 28 where the transition plan for Baguio was tackled.

Having been classified as a high-risk area, the mayor said Baguio will continue to be under quarantine albeit with relaxed rules.

As a general rule, only essential business and services will be allowed to operate but with limited operating hours and on select days of the week.

Magalong said resumption of operation per sector will be done gradually to prevent people from flocking in their workplaces and in areas where people used to congregate.

In the draft transition plan, public gatherings will remain suspended, the 24-hour curfew will continue, Sunday is lockdown day, movement of all persons except those authorized outside their residences is still restricted, continuing liquor ban, and classes will remain suspended.

Operating hours in the market is from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m., while businesses outside the city market is from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Office supply stores, educational supply stores, electrical supply stores, electronic supply stores and ICT gadget stores, appliance stores are allowed to open but to open every Thursday to Saturday.

For business process outsourcing establishments and export-oriented industries, only essential and skeleton forces are allowed to report.

Bike shops, hardware stores, auto supply, auto repair, machine shops, textile shops may open every Monday to Wednesday.

Public transportation may operate but will now observe physical distancing among passengers.

Baguio will remain on lockdown so that entry of inter-regional public utility buses is still barred.

Construction works will resume but for priority/critical projects only and workers should be on-site.

Hotels, transient houses, and other accommodation facilities for tourists shall remain closed.

Veterinary clinics and supplies, agricultural supply stores, infant and maternity section in stores, and English tutorial schools may operate daily following the schedule set by the city government.

Junk shops will open every Monday to Wednesday.

Dental and EENT clinics, medical laboratories, private clinics may open but entry of patients should be on a by-appointment scheme to avoid queuing of patients.

Establishments like delivery services, whether or not e-commerce platform, in-house or outsourced services such as repair of machinery, laundry, barbershops, salons, spas, and other personal care industries may operate but with recommendation from the Department of Trade and Industry.

Department heads and concerned sectors were given until May 6 to submit their inputs about the draft general community quarantine. – Rimaliza A. Opiña