July 27, 2024

The city council has approved Ordinance 04, s. 2024 for the renaming of a portion of Asin Road, Baguio City, particularly the back of the Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary from the Naguilian-Asin Road Junction to the Asin Road-San Roque-San Luis Junction, as “Asin Road-Recoletos Loop” in recognition of the role and contributions of Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary to the political, socio-economic, environmental, and spiritual development of the surrounding communities of the city, particularly barangays San Luis and San Roque as early as the 1950s.
In the ordinance, the CRS community is consistent in opening its doors as a temporary shelter to displaced and affected families around the area during calamities and emergencies like the July 16, 1990 earthquake. It also distributed basic goods to families during the 2020 health pandemic and distributed water to needy families in the surrounding areas in the 1980s and 1990s water shortages. Every Christmas season since the 1990s, it made gift-giving to street children in the neighborhood its regular activity.
As per the ordinance, the Asin Road Naguilian-Asin junction to Asin Road San Roque-San Luis junction was donated by CRS through its Superior Rev. Fr. Antonio Ausejo, OAR, to the City of Baguio through a deed of donation dated March 27, 1986 on the National Register of Atty. Jose Padolina under doc. 371, page 76, book 496, s. of 1986.
The ordinance tasked the City Engineering Office to install the necessary street sign to indicate the new name of the drive; and the City Assessor’s Office, the City Planning and Development Office, and other concerned agencies to respectively plot the said area in the official maps and documents of Baguio City.
A copy of the ordinance was submitted to the office of City Mayor Magalong for his signature.
The city council approved Resolution 030, s. 2024 allocating one unit temporary pick-up point along the Baguio Patriotic School before the pedestrian lane for the Itogon public utility jeepneys bound to Dalicno (Ampucao, Itogon) and Acupan (Virac, Itogon Benguet).
The resolution is in response to Resolution 587, s. 2023 of the municipal council of the Itogon, Benguet requesting the Baguio mayor through the committee on transportation to consider a “drop, pick and go” scheme for Dalicno and Acupan PUJs.
The approved temporary pick-up point is allowed for one PUJ unit only at a time and for the alternate use of the PUJs of Dalicno and Acupan. The two groups should agree on the fleet management system to alternately use the allocated space.
Other strict conditions set are apprehension of PUJs waiting or double parking beyond the allocated space; observance and maintenance of orderliness and cleanliness in the area at all times; and the grant of pick-up point is temporary and could be recalled anytime if it will generate adverse traffic impact on the area.
In Resolution 031, s. 2024, the city council approved the loading and unloading area request of the East Modern Site barangay council for the Aurora Hill-Rimando-Modern Jeepney Operators and Drivers Association along P. Ledesma Street, particularly at the waiting shed near the stairs going down left to Puroks 2 and 3, and Purok 5 at the right.
As per the recommendation of the committee on public utilities, transportation and traffic legislation and the report of the CEO, the approved loading and unloading area is temporary and revocable and allowed for only three PUJ units if the property owners with gates within the area interpose no objection.
The PUJ owners are obligated to maintain cleanliness and are not allowed to repair and park overnight their vehicles in the loading and unloading area.
The barangay shall provide the needed signs and shall mark the pavement at the recommended loading and/or unloading area. The design of the signage and pavement marking must be approved by the CEO.
In Resolution 032, .s 2024, the city council expresses the appreciation of the city government to Pio G. Velasco, owner, and builder of the Igorot Stone Kingdom located at Long-long Road, Pinsao Proper Barangay, for his contributions to the tourism industry in the city.
The resolution acknowledges the 6,000-square meter mountainside man-made park’s popularity and as the newest tourist attraction in the city conceptualized by Velasco during the community quarantine period in March 2020.
The amazing place is located at Long-long Road, Pinsao Proper barangay, as a tribute and in honor of his mother Rita “Rosing” Gal Velasco, an Igorot of strength and patience.
“The park depicts the rich culture and heritage of the Cordillera, the Igorot’s skillful stone-laying hands that created the stone walls similar to the Banaue Rice Terraces, and the representation of the old and the new Igorot culture and values of the Igorot people.”
The concept will also educate the people on the rich culture and beliefs of the Igorots.
The resolution stated the stone-built structures scattered in the area are skillfully layered and arranged to represent the different symbols of the Igorot history and culture. Among these attractions are the tower that depicts the fantasy story of Gatan and Bangan, an Igorot man and woman who survived the great holocaust; a fertility stone tower, and a Kabunyan (Igorot diety) tower.
“The Igorot Stone Kingdom is the realization of the childhood dream of a fantasy kingdom of its builder, Pio G. Velasco. The land stood idle for many years. Then he saw and began to appreciate the place’s architectural beauty and the ideal place to fulfill his longtime wish of building a kingdom for his beloved mother. Thus, from a childhood fantasy, the once idle slopes were transformed into a vibrant tourist hub,” the resolution stated.
It added the aspiration of Velasco to build a legacy in honor of his mother led to tourists and visitors steadily coming to Baguio and made the Igorot Stone Kingdom on the top of their bucket list of primary destinations to visit. It is now a major tourist attraction, a revenue-generating destination, and an economic recovery booster for the city.
The city council also commended Jacob David Manabat of the Pines City Colleges for ranking fifth with an average rating of 82.04 percent, and Ma. Alyssa Carlos Tagata of the University of Baguio for ranking eighth with an average rating of 81.63 percent in the November 2023 Licensure Examination for Dentists.
Through Resolution 047, s. 2024, the city council requested all concerned barangays within the central business district to coordinate with the Bureau of Fire Protection-Cordillera and water delivery owners operating in the city for the urgent flushing of sewers, canals, and other waterways within the CBD due to the unbearable odor coming from canals and waterways.
The resolution penned by Councilor Fred Bagbagen stated the absence of rain in the city for the past months led to the clogging of sewers, canals, and other waterways in the area and contributed to the unbearable odor in the area.
The resolutions added the stench from the waterways is a discomfiture to the city, especially so that a lot of tourists will be flocking to the city for the Panagbenga 2024, thus, the need for help in its flushing.