July 27, 2024

MANABO, Abra – A women’s organization in the far-flung barangay of San Ramon East here is now known as a supplier of fruit wines in sari-sari stores after being equipped and trained by the Department of Science and Technology.

The Siglat association, with over 32 members, harvests and processes various fruits such as banana, bugnay, sugarcane, and pineapple into delicious finished products such as mascuvado, sugarcane juice, and different fruit wines.

Manabo Rural Based Organization Coordinator Rona Brillantes said the Siglat women are now benefitting from the equipment provided by the DOST.

Malaking tulong ang mga machineries galing ng DOST kagaya ng sugarcane presser, glass fermenter, and product labeling. Ever since they are being assisted by DOST, they are actively producing various fruit wines,” Brillantes said.

The association is one of the many beneficiaries of the Local Grant-in Aid Program of the DOST.

DOST Abra Director Ralf Sapi-il said the program aims to spur economic and livelihood development among local communities through technological capability solutions.

The Siglat association was provided with science and technology intervention for the improvement of the sugarcane processing center amounting to P1 million.

Moreover, Brillantes said the municipal government headed by Mayor Darrel Domasing passed a resolution supporting the Siglat members  by providing P20,000 as the local government unit’s counterpart to the livelihood grant project of the DOST.

The products of the Siglat women are now set to take center stage as they are invited to participate in a Department of Trade and Industry-led trade fair here on Feb. 9 to 12.

Brillantes added the products of the association have reached as far as the National Capital Region.

Recently, the DTI also visited the association to come up with a product packaging assistance to further boost their sales and income. – Christian Allister Tubadeza