July 27, 2024

All pet owners in Sablan, Benguet are required to register their domesticated pets at the Municipal Agriculture Office in a bid to keep tabs on them.
Approved recently by the municipal council, the Anti-Stray Animal Ordinance stated the pet registration will prevent these animals from straying in public and private places in the municipality.
“This ordinance will prevent the spread of rabies, destruction of plants and other properties and to instill discipline among animal owners,” the ordinance reads.
Upon registration of animal possessions, the pets will be vaccinated and a tag with serial number will be assigned to each pet, which also serves an identification and record of vaccination.
A P100 fee will be collected from the pet owner for every tag issued and in case of loss, the same amount shall be paid for replacement.
The ordinance states the owner of the registered animal shall ensure that the tag is worn by their pets at all times.
“It shall be unlawful for any person or institution to keep an unregistered, unvaccinated and unsecured dog/cat within their territorial domain,” the ordinance stated.
All dogs or cats that are three months old and above shall be registered and vaccinated. Pet owners will be provided with a certificate of vaccination as proof of compliance.
Pet owners who fail to register their pets will be fined P500. Failure to comply shall subject their pets to impoundment.
MAO will lead the implementation of the ordinance in partnership with the local police, barangay officials, rural health unit and Department of Health personnel in the municipality.
A municipal animal or barangay pound shall be designated in each barangay where impounded animals will be kept safe or deposited. The pound shall be situated at a definite site with an environment not harmful to animal health and safety.
The impoundment period of animals shall not exceed five days including Saturdays and Sundays, except when the animal safekeeping is needed for medical reasons. 
Animals found in grazing areas shall not be impounded provided they are being tended to or restrained.
From the time the animal is impounded within 12 hours, the municipal or barangay personnel shall locate the animal owner. If no one is identified as owner of the animal, the latter shall be disposed by the MAO through adoption or euthanasia, if the animal is deemed vicious or has communicable disease.
Owners must show proof of the animals and must pay the impounding fee: for large cattle – P500 and additional P100 per day; and dogs, cats, pigs, goats, sheep, fowl – P300 and additional P50 per day.
After five days of impoundment, the owners must pay the following fees for the government’s safekeeping of their pets: native dogs – P100 per day; upgraded dogs – P200 per day; pure breed dogs – P300 per day; carabao, cows and horses – P400 per day; and other animals – P200 per day. – Ofelia C. Empian