July 27, 2024

The city council through Ordinance 2, s. 2022 has institutionalized the annual observance of the Pine Tree or Saleng Festival to coincide with the tree planting months in June, July, August, and September as provided in the Environment Code.
The festival aims to strengthen and enhance public understanding on the significance of urban trees, forests and watersheds to the community while balancing agriculture, economy and environment, and to instill awareness on the present state of the environment and all related environment laws, issuances, ordinances and policies.
It shall takeoff every June during the flag-raising ceremony at City Hall.
The festival is also in support to the International Day for Biological Diversity celebrated May 22 of each year.
The Saleng Festival highlights the importance of community cooperation in caring for the environment, emphasizing tree planting, breathable air, potable water, and cleaner comfortable environment as investment for the next generations.
Activities of the festival include tree cart parade and exhibit at Session Road and Malcolm Square; support to national and international events for public awareness on ecosystem restoration, climate change and disaster risks, other environmental problems; and environmental advocacy programs.
The International Day for Biological Diversity is observed with activities like biodiversity enhancement at the Irisan eco-park, improvement of vegetation through yellow bamboo strip planting, calliandra live fence establishment, and alnus perimeter planting.
World Environment Day and Philippine Environment Month held every June 5 is in support to the United Nations advocacy of encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment.
Activities include bamboo planting at the Diplomat Hotel compound and at the proposed bambusetum; free emission testing at the Harrison Road; water protection activity; jacaranda walk project; and jacaranda sapling planting and nurturing.
Cycling for the Environment on June 5 coincides with World Environment Day. The activity promotes cycling as an alternative to short car trips that will contribute to improving human health, help reduce air pollution, and traffic congestion.
Activities for World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought on June 17 include bonsai cultivation at the Kennon Road view deck and bonsai exhibit at Malcolm Square and other venues; tree planting at the Santo Tomas water reservoir and at other areas in Baguio City, La Trinidad, Itogon, Sablan, Tuba, and Tublay.
Activities for National Arbor Day on June 25 include elder berry tree planting at the arboretum and other places; simultaneous tree planting at watersheds; bamboo planting along portions of the Sagudin-Balili River, Bued River, Galiano River, Ambalanga River, and other waterway areas; and tree planting of sectors like the academe, government offices and private organizations in July and August.
National Clean-Up Month in September and World Clean and Green Week have activities like ring weeding at Forbes Park reservation, Busol and Buyog watersheds; and other areas in Baguio.
The Green Thumb Award will be done during the closing of the festival on September.
The award is based on programs, projects and activities of companies and households that contributed to the city’s environmental programs on the improvement of air and water quality, landscaping, regreening and forest protection.
The City Environment and Parks Management Office, academe, the Department of Education, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and non-government organizations are tasked to implement the activities of the Saleng Festival in collaboration with the City Tourism Office, Public Information Office, City Planning and Development Office, and other partners.
An amount of P200,000 to cover all budgetary requirements of the festival shall be included in the annual budget of the City Environment and Parks Management Office.