July 27, 2024

FOR TODAY’S DISCUSSION, let’s go a little ‘mix-mixed’ – what the analytic examiner would perchance call: ‘a little bit of ever-thing’ [n.b. to capture the shade of =int ‘ever usual’; rather than: ‘any, every, etc.; thing’]
THE IVADOIS OF Tuvdai – with whom I stayed in early adult age, have a special term for this, viz. Sambabassit ni emmin (Literal: “a little something of all [types, varieties, etc.] e.g. applying to plants planted in a farm; things spoken about in a meeting; and so on.). So, here we go: Sambabassit ni emmin. And

FIRST, POLITICS LOKAL. These times you will not miss that touched on usual – in Weddings, Feasts (or Cañaos), Funeral wakes, even birthdays, kunam man. Did you know..?
YES, YOU KNEW! Or, you now – since lately, or recently, know: who are the ‘newest’ aspirants of coveted positions in the Cordi cities and provinces – down to the Lowlands, the National Capital Region, et cetera. Don’t you? But back to the Sambabassit.., here in the Southern Cordi, there are two, ‘mighty unique’ newsbits:
A FORMER MAYOR – after some ‘defeats’ in his own municipality and in the province, has resolved to trace the origin of his roots and serve thereat ‘for-good’.
HIS MATERNAL GRANDFATHER – who also served as a Chief Local Executive of the (same) town, actually came from Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya. Said grandfather has still properties there – intact, and safeguarded by relatives.
NOW, THIS FORMER mayor is eyeing to settle permanently there; but the on-going ‘buzz’ is many or several of his kin and family admirers want him to run for Mayor over there – in Kayapa, Province of Nueva Vizcaya. Another one:
A FORMER BARANGAY Captain is being persuaded – Shaka aadoka, ‘to come back’ to his grandfathers’ (paternal and maternal) root and/or origin: in Northern Bokod, to run as Barangay Captain either in the barangays of: Bila, Daklan, or Poblacion.
ACCORDING TO INFORMANTS, some camps are convinced his brand of approach-leadership is a-fit, nai bagay, for these times .
HALLA KAYO, THE ‘rivals’ of these two. Elaen yo, kindly consider: Don’t hold the reins too tight and stiff.. Achi kayo bukbukodan nang khawis! Give some little chances too.. you could, per favore?

THE CV VACCINE is getting more heightened – in the National as well as in the local stations.
HERE, IN ‘THESE Heights’ – ditoy Kabanbantayan, many are saying it’s for ‘our own protection and safety’.. but
MANY ARE ALSO seriously asking: ‘and assurance-wise? The percentages are still being interpreted with: “ifs”, “but ifs”, and “if and only ifs”, et cetera’. And so they suggest: ‘please not now, maybe sometime.. later.’

AMONG THE SOUTHERN Ibalois, there are still some Customary or Traditional Practices clinged to, nl. Taboos, restrictions, Pehjews, and name it. Instances like:
THE SURVIVING SPOUSE is kept away or isolated from the bier, as long as the ritual days are on. You’re only allowed to view the departed and walk around the coffin during the burial day itself. Then, you go back to your assigned quarters or room.
YOU STAY THERE – for some more days until the native priest Mambubunong and some Elders declare you may now have your ‘freeing’ rituals and offering, – or Kafe.
WHEN MY BELOVED one – Naibeddi an ko (it is even taboo to mention the name) went to the Beyond, I went through those restrictions, with trust ex toto. I pray in my heart and mind: she’s now in Heaven, God Rest her soul (GRhs). Farewell, nai dausan ko, my departed beloved one: moha mi di os oshongi, mo hami di banbantayi! Amen.