July 27, 2024

It looks like a dull and quiet Holy Week in Baguio, since tourists from Metro Manila are disallowed from coming over owing to health protocols.
Rather sad, considering that Holy Week and the rest of summer is about the only time business in the city is able to recoup losses incurred during the (other) lean months with the exception of December.

So, it will be just us locals who must suffer the long, boring sermons urging the faithful to repent and sin no more.
Not easy to do in this difficult time of our lives.
By the way, today is Palm Sunday, celebrating the triumphant entry of the Lord Jesus into Jerusalem, the Jews waving palm fronds by way of welcome. The Jews were one at the time, also when they pick Barabas over Jesus. Fickle Jews.
I wonder, were we ever united or (be) one in sacrificing personal interest over God and country.
To the Filipino, family comes first, and let the others take care of their own.

There’s this streamer fronting City Hall that says “We work as one and heal as one.”
Like a syndicate that works like a well-oiled machine, but impossible to heal itself of its affliction, or shall we say, addiction to money.
Even McDonald’s has gotten into the act with its “Rise and heal as one.”
Reminds you of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, or like loaf that rises because of the yeast, only to fall and turn soggy later, and therefore should be eaten fresh out of the oven.
Just like Rep. Allan Cayetano and his people in the South East Asian Games, who have yet to submit a report on how game funds were liquidated.

Sen. Manny Pacquiao is toying with the idea of running for President. After all, he has the charisma and logistics, even if his qualifications are suspect.
Like I said, this is all the fault of the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos. With the creation of barangays, braggarts and toughies are elected chairmen, drunks and istambays are elected councilmen.
In short, Marcos paved the way for the unschooled like Pacquiao to seek public office.
In my barangay alone, the chairman was a former taxi driver.
A law should be passed that only college graduates can run for public office.
Lawyers and Philippine Military Academy graduates should also be disqualified, unless able to present a certificate of probity from the Philippine Medical Association, after undergoing a series of tests that positively reflect their moral values.

Friends are leaving one after the other.
Robert Tinda-an and Billy Allan I have known for decades, and I can tell you that both lived the best of times at one time, and the opposite of another time.
But haven’t we all. Farewell too to Mrs. Salvacion Fianza, Peter’s mom.
Godspeed Mang Robert, Billyboy and Ma’am Salvacion.