July 27, 2024

The Securities Exchange Commission-Baguio Extension Office resumed its operations on May 18 with strict imposition of safety measures, such as the “No face mask, no entry” and observance of physical distancing.

The office is open from 9 a.m to 3 p.m.

The SEC-Baguio operations cover partnerships and corporations from regions 1, 2, and the Cordillera.

Considering the stringent measures on travel, clients from outside of Baguio are advised to e-mail or call the office before travelling. Clients may contact SEC-Baguio through [email protected] or call 309-5804.

The SEC has released schedule of deadline of submission of reportorial requirements. For General Information Sheet, deadline is within 30 days after actual annual meeting.

For financial statements for fiscal year ending Dec 31, 2019, the deadline is June 30. Those ending on Jan. 31, the deadline is July 29; Feb. 29, the deadline is Aug. 27; and March 31, the deadline is Sept. 27.

For updates, follow SEC at https://www.facebook.com/pio.baguio/. 

For concerns other than submission of registration or amendment documents, e-mail or call SEC-Baguio. – PIA release