July 27, 2024

Every Filipino has an important role to play in promoting and safeguarding the peace of our country.
The problems that disturb our national peace will not be fully cured unless Filipinos work together to address such concerns.
This is what the group of farmers showed at the Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac after withdrawing their support to Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing New Peoples Army. Around120 former members of the Al-yansa ng Manggagawang Bukid sa Hacienda Luisita or Ambala cut their organization’s ties with the communist rebels.
Ambala is known for its alliance with the rebels who exploit the issue of land distribution to farmers in a bid to recruit members to solidify their ranks against the government.
According to former Ambala leader, Florida Sibayan, they always participated in CPP/NPA-inspired rallies and other activities because they were promised to be provided with agricultural lands. But such promise was never realized by the farmers’ group.
This is the reason why they formed a new organization called Malayang Magsasaka ng Hacienda Luisita or Malaya, which is a legal group that supports the government and free from fraud and deceptions of the CPP/NPA.
This is the decision of farmers that is deeply rooted in their desire for peace and development.
Indeed, we cannot achieve our desired peace and prosperity if we do not decide to end the fraud and dual revolutionary tactics of the communist rebels.
That’s why President Rodrigo Duterte issued the Executive Order 70 or the “whole-of-nation approach” to end this 50-year armed conflict.
As the farmers in Hacienda Luisita have decided to cut back their support for CPP/NPA which reflects on their contribution in the fight against armed conflict, Filipinos must also decide to protect and win peace and prosperity.
This is the shared commitment that we must cultivate in the midst of the legitimate issues in our society that we need to address. — CHRISTOPHER JORQUIA, Baguio City