July 27, 2024

The Social Security System-Baguio branch released P2.5 million worth of benefits under its Unemployment Benefit Program to members who were involuntarily separated from work.
SSS Baguio Branch Head Nancy M. Umoso said that from August to December 2019, the branch approved 201 applications which translated to P2.54M worth of benefit releases.
“The cash benefit they received would somehow compensate their income loss due to involuntary separation from work. As we all know, job hunting entails additional expenses on the preparation of documentary requirements as well as food and transportation of the applicant,” Umoso said.
The unemployment benefit program is one of the features of the Social Security Act of 2018 which took effect on March 5, 2019.
It covers qualified SSS members, including employed, household helpers and overseas Filipino workers.
Qualified to avail are members who are not more than 60 years old at the time of involuntary separation; has paid at least 36 monthly contributions, 12 months of which should be in the 18-month period immediately preceding the month of involuntary separation; and haven’t received any unemployment benefit within the last three years prior to the date of involuntary separation.
Members will receive a cash allowance equivalent to 50 percent of the average monthly salary credit multiplied by two.  
Under Luzon North 1 Division, SSS Baguio, SSS Laoag, and SSS La Trinidad branches were the only branches with approved claims while six other branches are yet to receive applications. 
As of December 2019, SSS Luzon North 1 Division disbursed P2.9M worth of unemployment benefits to 257 qualified members.  
Members are given one year from the date of their involuntary separation to file their applications. – Press release