July 27, 2024

CITY OF TABUK, Kalinga – The Tabuk City government launched three new promotional materials to support its tourism sector and boost its tourist destinations.

The city unveiled a three-minute promotional video, a brochure, and a magazine featuring more than 100 tourist sites and establishments.

The promo materials advertise Kalinga’s capital as a place “where nature and culture unfold”, and where one can experience winning hospitality, food, adventures, and sceneries. This theme is encapsulated in the tagline “WIN Tabuk!”

“We are talking about winning the hearts of visitors. When you come to Tabuk, you are winning because of the things we can showcase, and the exhilarating experiences you can have here,” Mayor Darwin Estrañero said during the formal launching on April 26.

The project was spearheaded by the City Public Information Office led Aurora Amilig, in collaboration with the Office of the City Tourism and Cultural Affairs with the help of local business owners and barangay local government units.

The launching was spearheaded by the City PIO and the Office of the City Tourism and Cultural Affairs, and attended by tourism stakeholders, local officials, and members of the media.

Restaurant owner Rosiebeth Padua lauded the initiative, saying the steady influx of visitors at their establishment has highlighted the need for a go-to reference to Tabuk’s tourism offerings.

“‘Yung mga nagpupuntang visitors, they would always ask us, ‘After we eat here, where are we gonna go next?’ so (we thought it would be good to have) a brochure or any promotional material to show our guests. At nagpapasalamat naman po kami sa napakabilis na response ng city mayor,” Padua said.

Tabuk City saw some 75,063 overnight visitors, 73,849-day tourists, and 173 foreign visitors in 2023, according to City Tourism Officer Arlene Odiem.

The city was one of the recipients of the ASEAN Clean Tourist City Award in Laos last January.

Odiem said visitors may look forward to the city’s next major tourism event, the Matagoan Festival in June. – Iryll Gay O. Sicnao