July 27, 2024

Ten more patients from Benguet, who are all asymptomatic, have recovered from the Covid-19 last week but they remain in isolation at the Benguet General Hospital to avoid infecting other people.
BeGH Chief Meliarazon Dualy said the patients have been retested and results showed that they are negative of the SARS-CoV2, the pathogen that causes the Covid-19.
“We tested them for the initial baseline of symptoms but they don’t have cough, fever, and their laboratory tests yielded negative results so they were given clearance to be discharged,” Dulay said.
According to the World Health Organization, Covid-19 symptoms include dry cough, tiredness, shortness of breath, fever, loss of taste or smell, and diarrhea.
Dulay said there were other patients brought to the hospital exhibiting these symptoms, especially difficulty in breathing, but were negative of the Covid-19 after test.
Three separate send-off ceremonies were conducted by the hospital last week starting with six patients who recovered and received on June 29 by the municipalities of La Trinidad and Buguias with two patients each; and Itogon and Sablan with one patient each.
The following day, two more patients from La Trinidad and one patient each from Kapangan and Buguias were also discharged.
As of July 2, BeGH is taking care of three Covid-19 patients, a 40-year-old returning overseas Filipino worker from Nigeria and a resident of Atok; a 51-year-old female resident of Buguias; and another returning OFW from Tublay.
Meanwhile, the three police officers who are assigned in Benguet but residents of Baguio City are recovering at the Sto. Niño Jesus isolation facility.
Most of the cases in the province are working as frontliners in their respective local government units and those working in the vegetable sector, who underwent the expanded testing.
As of July 2, Benguet has five active cases who are in stable condition, with a total of 39 confirmed Covid-19 cases and 34 recoveries. No deaths were recorded.
The province had the biggest spike of cases in the region for June with 28 cases reported, which was the result of the expanded testing, prompting the National Inter-Agency Task Force to put the province under general community quarantine. – Ofelia C. Empian