July 27, 2024

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority will continue to empower women in reformatory centers, an official said.
“Providing incarcerated women with skills training would help them get employed after their release from the reformatory center,” said Tesda Baguio-Benguet Provincial Director Vilma Cabrera.
She said that the national certifications that the women will receive will prove their skills and competencies and help them land jobs or engage in livelihood activities to transform their lives.
She added that the skills training for persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) at Baguio City Jail Female Dorm are housekeeping, bread and pastry production, and haircutting.
“There are also various scholarship programs of Tesda that the PDLs may avail of such as Training for Work Scholarship Program, Special Training for Employment Program, Special Support Training Program,” she said.
Tesda Baguio-Benguet has partnered with the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Baguio in 2019 and provided skills development interventions for PDLs as a reiteration of Tesda’s Abot Lahat policy.
It equipped the PDLs with necessary and relevant vocational skills particularly shielded metal arc wielding II and certificate of completion on nail care leading to beauty care NC II for women.
Cabrera said these trainings are Tesda’s way to honor women, especially during the National Women’s Month.
Women’s Month is part of the worldwide observance of International Women’s Day March 8, which is aimed at recognizing the contributions of women in society. – TESDA release