July 27, 2024

Segue. Talks abound about abusive, self-centered, and egoistic public officials who are supposed to serve the people but instead look at themselves as members of the monarchy.
This idiotic government stool pigeons, public servants as they call themselves need to humbly bend especially when dealing with us peons. As my Spanish (feeling lang po… he he) forefathers say “Pequeñas significan mucho”(Little things mean a lot) especially for us little people.
We know of candidates who have a troll farm for the forthcoming election. Like Russia against Ukraine, they will launch an attack against his rivals for the position while promoting himself to the voters via social media.
The attack dogs amplify the so-called achievements of their candidates. If a basher reacts, they will clean out the mess and defend him in high heavens and of course, they will attack like a ferocious dog the perceived enemies who dish out negative comments against him.
As aptly stated by Alan German, the son of veteran political kingmaker Reli, “Like all wars, there is an unfortunate casualty in the use of trolls and that is the truth”.
The problem with campaigning in social media, which is referred to as democratization of the Internet is that most often than not it is used as a weapon of the master and his trolls. Trolls often don’t believe a word they write but say it anyway, just to piss off someone. To state it simply: Trolls are online bullies.
There are and there will be more information and disinformation in the Internet and the sad part is that people sometimes cannot distinguish the chaff from the grain.
Sadly too, is the reality that people take fake news and disinformation as the Gospel truth without discerning or simply lazy to study and determine the truth.
I have and still experience bashing once in a while but I heed the advice “Don’t feed the trolls.”
Best to ignore hateful, discriminatory, or otherwise inappropriate comments. The more you answer, the more they are emboldened. Bay-bay-am ketdi, dedma and they will tail-off nu awan reaction to their provocation.
Was it not Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s propagandist who said,“A thousand lies repeated becomes the truth”?
That’s what the trolls are, truth twisters!
And by the way, if you can guess da hu, I will pay for your coffee when EMA Cup ‘18 tees-off at Baguio Country Club on March 12. Fore!