July 27, 2024
  1. Many quarters wonder why the operation of POGO centers is still unhampered despite the series of raids for numerous violations and non-payment of taxes.
  2. Countless bikers in the localities are always wary of their safety, since a lot of aggressive motorists still do not observe the principle of road sharing.
  3. Several individuals in two urban areas do not observe the modified quarantine policies since local officials are supervising the checkpoints anyway.
  4. The liquor ban in the localities remains an effective measure against the transmission of the Covid-19 despite non-compliance by countless citizens.
  5. It is only a matter of time for Baguio residents to suffer from extreme water shortage due to the unabated flattening of the few green patches in the city.
  6. The latest real-estate project where matured trees were cut has to proceed by all means, as all units are considered sold even before the project starts.
  7. Henchmen of a provincial official are quick to condemn an innocent man as author of an exposé actually written by one of their public relations guys.
  8. Some local government units in the Cordillera seem to have no protocols for returning residents, who should undergo triage and 14-day quarantine.
  9. Pundits claim that a series of petitions would not stop private land owners from developing properties if permits were granted by concerned agencies.
  10. A Cordilleran mayor, who is vocal against the underground movement and its supporters, is now being viciously attacked by his nemesis in social media.
  11. City Hall must check why private individuals are securing a parking area beside the Skyworld lot and collect money from car owners in the form of tips.
  12. Several patients scheduled for surgical operation are considering to request for rescheduling to avoid being subjected to the Covid-19 swab test first.