July 27, 2024
  1. Motorists and the public could not understand the logic behind the seemingly circular pedestrian at the BGH rotunda which can cause a vehicular crash in the future.
  2. The supposed owner of a building being built without permits within a RROW and a contested lot at CBD is a dummy of an influential person with padrino at City Hall.
  3. Two contractors are contemplating to expose this regional official violating the no contact policy by requiring personal appearance when getting certification on safety.
  4. The supposed stewards of this critical mountain in northern Luzon seem not bothered by the volume of trekkers and their carbon footprints as long as they pay fees.
  5. Baguio residents must be warned of solicitations for burial expenses by fictitious persons with letters bearing the logo of the city government and a bogus signature.
  6. Some quarters are hoping that a Cordilleran lawyer-turned law enforcer, who has ties with an influential political figure from the south will be appointed as NBI director.
  7. There is no double standard when this international beauty queen called for support for a foreign nation but not her own country when it was hit by recent disasters.
  8. Concerned officials of this public utility is not bothered if one of its officials is embroiled in a controversy for as long as it does not disturb the latter’s performance.
  9. A regional executive could be subjected to investigation on his SALN after he reportedly bought a luxury car as a gift to someone and has managed to build a mansion.
  10. A self-styled legal luminary is not worried of the possibility of facing a disbarment case, claiming he is innocent from the series of accusations hurled against him.
  11. It took the strong political of national and local officials to clear this national road of obstruction, especially from construction products of an erring establishment.
  12. A ranking law enforcer could not understand why cadavers are dumped in his area of responsibility, making it appear there is a serious peace concern in the province.