July 27, 2024

  1. This self-proclaimed multi-millionaire farmer is not pushing himself to be a future Cabinet member by befriending some of the next President’s known advisers.
  2. The old boys club in this government office is out to prove there is no truth to the allegations that infrastructure projects are sub-standard due to ‘web of corruption.’
  3. Aside from maintaining an information office, a government agency also pays the services of some private writers and communicators with fund from special projects.
  4. Cases of theft and illegal drug use particularly shabu are increasing in this highly-urbanized barangay in a nearby province and authorities seem worried about it.
  5. Some drug cases were dismissed due to technicalities such as the inconsistencies in the testimonies of law enforcers and anti-narcotics agents during court hearings.
  6. The office of this ranking Cordillera politician with known network in Malacañan would no longer grant requests for endorsements for higher government positions.
  7. The camp of this reelected politician in the region thinks election is not yet over, as it continues with its black propaganda against losing and winning candidates.
  8. Those pursuing for the purchase of a property at the outskirts of Baguio should be wary of the repute of a seller whose practices are frowned upon by many realtors.
  9. A political leader should first review the previous cases filed against some DPWH officials on why not a single case prospered since the complaints were too personal.
  10. Concerned offices led by the DENR must also start checking supposed eco-tourism sites to determine if biodiversity was not sacrificed in the development of gardens.
  11. A well-respected former military officer from the north who has enduring ties with the incoming President is being sought by some aspirants for Cabinet posts.
  12. This self-styled fiscalizer has been sharing stories of illegal gambling activities in the region and elsewhere but demands intelihensya from operators at the same time.