July 27, 2024

1. Contrary to public speculations, the candidates for ABC president in this LGU can readily meet and have a guffaw over a cup of coffee after the poll.

2. The rockshed and slope protection projects in the past has withstood many typhoons unlike the supposed modern technology that look like curtains.

3. This agency and its bosses continue to receive gifts and tokens from well-off individuals in spite of not sending solicitations as per its advisory.

4. Contrary to claims that are also being preached in social media, an LGU has not set the standard for excellence in local governance due to several blunders.

5. Some of those being reported to be appointed by Malacañang for crucial posts were previously linked to administrative charges and abuse of IPs.

6. A candidate for ABC president has proven that one could secure an upset win against a well-moneyed rival, who wined and dined kapitans.

7. Rebel guerillas might no longer carry out sabotage attacks on critical facilities during its founding anniversary on Dec. 26 like it did in the past.

8. The planned non-suspension of military and police offensives during the Yuletide holidays can be sustained due to weakened guerilla fighter fronts.

9. One of the protected bike lanes along the CBD is not being fully used since it is regularly being blocked by garage vans especially during peak season.

10. The series of government sanctions against this media outfit and its hosts is not due to the entity’s connection to political leaders being backed by trolls.