July 27, 2024
  1. Benguet remains a peaceful province, as almost all the mayors are always present in most occasions even if they belong to various political parties.
  2. Many in the legal sector disagree with the line of thinking that defending the President from public criticism earns one the ticket to run for Senate.
  3. A long-time politician who is considered by the people as a godfather of politics might reconsider his plan to run for office due to public demand.
  4. Concerned offices must help DOH in warning the public against surging dengue cases in the Cordillera with deaths among children and elders.
  5. There is no political color even when a former ranking politician is regularly interviewed for issues needing urgent government actions.
  6. Local coalition members are patiently waiting for a meeting to be called by the founders for potential political line-up in the upcoming 2022 polls.
  7. An embattled Cabinet member is not being at the mercy of a powerful group of gentlemen who can decide how the Covid-19 funds will be used.
  8. Many Filipinos simply scratch their heads in disbelief when the President announced his VP bid since they know it is not bound to happen anyway.
  9. People wonder why a family and allies are supposedly quarrelling over a public office as if it were private property that entitles them to reign over.
  10. Reports that fully vaccinated people are contracting the Covid-19 virus have further convinced the doubters to stand their ground not to be jabbed ever.
  11. There is no truth to information that some patients were offered to agree they are Covid-19 positive so their bills would be covered by the state insurance policy.
  12. A lawyer-turned advocate continues to make the rounds in the locality not to campaign for himself but to urge voters to vote wisely during the 2022 polls.