July 27, 2024
  1. Some political camps, including aspirants, are exerting efforts to convince this respected leader not to seek for an elective position and be a kingmaker instead.
  2. Two aspirants for mayor in this urban LGU have already sent solicitation letters to possible donors, especially those from overseas, who want “change” in 2022.
  3. One of the most functional and accommodating regional agencies in CAR will have its own building after decades of efficient public service in the highlands.
  4. Noticeable in major thoroughfares of Baguio is the lesser number of modern jeeps not because the cooperative that manages them has some issues with some drivers.
  5. A ranking police officer who has performed well during his stint in the region, is hoping to be assigned to a highly-contested position as reward for being snappy.
  6. The tolerance of LGUs to the non-wearing of facemask and shield and non-observance of physical distancing are causing the surge in Covid-19 cases in urban areas.
  7. Many politicians in various LGUs in the Cordillera are not visible during pay-outs of national government programs in compliance to the anti-epal directive of the DILG.
  8. Many social media accounts were created recently for administrators to openly debate on news and current events, including spewing lies, insults, and misinformation.
  9. Some establishments violate restrictions such as operating at 100 percent capacity to recover huge losses since last year and to be able to maintain all their workers.
  10. Many areas in this landlocked province have low Covid-19 vaccine acceptance rates among local officials that’s why the eligible population deferred vaccination.
  11. A private company has enlisted some of its consultants as eligible individuals for vaccination when their scope of work labelled them non-essential workers.
  12. Noticeable on Facebook is a word war among allies of a politician with several bodyguards and this breakaway Igorot lawyer advocating good governance.