July 27, 2024

Filipinos were once promised the price of rice will be P20 a kilo.
Two years have passed but the price of rice did not go down. Instead, the prices of commercial rice varieties continue to increase that Filipinos could no longer afford.
I am not here to criticize or blame anyone. I would just want to point out that we should not make any promise when we know that it is impossible to accomplish beyond our powers.
The people, and I am one of them, expected much but it was heartbreaking because what has been promised is contrary to what is happening. We hoped and expected but we became desperate.
Nowadays, still the prices of rice varieties escalate. How sad that the Filipinos suffer with such condition. Little change in agriculture is being seen. And there is a dim chance they will enjoy the low price of rice way back in the 1980s.
Even if the price of rice will not go down to P20, at least, they need to find and make ways and measures to decrease the high price of rice that we are experiencing now. It is our hope also the government will really prioritize this concern. — ROSE MARIE C. SISON, Baguio City